Decorate Your Desktop: 07

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Hand Lettering 8900 Views

Jake and I have a couple of trips we are planning on taking this year. It has got me really itching to see new places and go on fun adventures. Being cooped up in the house all week might have something to do with it too. Maybe this weekend we can grab a pizza and make a night out of


Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 07

Decorate your Desktop: 06

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Photography, Typography 11421 Views

Desktop | iPhone | iPhone5 | Android For some reason this year seems extra promising. Maybe because we are already being so intentional about things. Or maybe because everything feels so new when you leave home for a bit and come back to the sun. I’m not really sure, but I’m loving starting fresh and setting goals for this year. 


Jamie BartlettDecorate your Desktop: 06

Decorate Your Desktop: 05

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Fall, Hand Lettering 5940 Views

Desktop | iPhone | iPhone5 | Android It’s another beautiful fall day today and we might even get some rain! I hope you all are enjoying fall so far. Although I hear it’s already coming to a close for our family in Michigan. They already have their first snow. That’s just crazy! You can find more decorate your desktop designs here.

Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 05

Decorate Your Desktop: 04

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, painting, summer, Typography 9626 Views

Desktop | iPhone | iPhone5 | Android Growing up my mom always had a big box of Pop Ice in our freezer (I’m told out here in California they refer to them as Otter Pops). I ate those things like they were going out of style. Blue of couse was my favorite. Why did they even bother making the green? That and


Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 04

Decorate Your Desktop: 03

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Download, Graphic Design, Typography 13056 Views

Desktop  |  iPhone  |  iPhone5  |  Android My desktop was in need of a fresh design, and today is rainy which makes me even more in the mood for cuddles and warm coffee. I think I’ll take a coffee break now. See you tomorrow friends. You can find more decorate your desktop designs here.

Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 03

Decorate Your Desktop: 02

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Typography 8577 Views

Desktop  |  iPhone  |  iPhone5  |  Android I thought it was about time to do another wallpaper design. I won’t always to designs with quotes but this one really speaks to me. I really love it. I think we tend to put a lot of value on keeping busy and filling up every spot on our calendar. Maybe in a


Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 02

Decorate Your Desktop: 01

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Quote, Typography 17066 Views

Click below to download Desktop  |  iPhone  |  iPhone5  |  Android Every week I get together with three other friends who are also creative small business owners like myself. Each week I walk away more inspired and encouraged than the last. These women are amazing. A few weeks ago one of them told me this quote from Jon Acuff, “Don’t


Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 01