DIY Cinnamon & Copper Pine Cones for the Holidays

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 4504 Views

Every year when the holidays come around I pick up a bag of cinnamon scented pine cones. This year I decided to spice up my pine cones by adding a little copper paint to them. I love how these turned out. You can use these for so many things throughout the holiday season. You can decorate your mantel, string them together to make a garland, use them as place settings on your Thanksgiving table, and when it comes time to set up your Christmas tree — hide a few in the branches.
Here’s how you make them. It’s pretty simple:
You will need:
  • Cinnamon scented pine cones (Ralph’s and Joann’s both have them)
  • Copper paint
  • Paint brush
Paint just the tips of the pine cones. Let them dry for a couple of hours and then have fun decorating your house with all your pretty pine cones. Next time you come home you’ll be greeted with the warm and cozy scent of cinnamon!
Jamie BartlettDIY Cinnamon & Copper Pine Cones for the Holidays