I like today

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1646 Views

I like today. For a few reasons. When I woke up this morning I wasn’t tired. That rarely happens for me. Usually I roll out of bed when I hear Jake making coffee and even then I plop right down on the couch for a few more seconds of shut eye. Not today though. I felt refreshed. I like it when that happens.

I also got a little more time with Jake this morning. We had to take Pixel to the vet to get a shot (he didn’t mind, everyone loves him there). So afterwards we decided to go grab some breakfast at the coffee shop and soak up a little sun before he went off to work.

And of course I like today because it is Friday!

These jems could have contributed to my good day too:

Cutest fur baby ever!

Kaylee goes to the zoo (and more fur babies)

Jamie BartlettI like today