Janet Hill Paintings

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I’m quickly discovering there are not enough walls in our apartment for all the art I want to hang on them. I’m hoping I can squeeze in one more of these paintings by Janet Hill. I just recently came across her work and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite painters. I love the dramatic colors and quirky subject matter in each piece.

I also read a really great interview with her in Matchbook Magazine. I’m kind of a sucker for artist interviews. Its like a little peek into their lives. You get to see how and where they work. It’s so inspiring to me. The pictures of her working in her studio with globs of paint on her easel make we want to grab a brush and try my hand at oil painting.

I had a really hard time picking only a handfull of paintings to post. They are all so lovely. So be sure to check out all her other paintings on her website and in her shop. Don’t you think a Dalmatian would be perfect for her next subject? I would even let Pixel model for her if she wanted.

Jamie BartlettJanet Hill Paintings