DIY Faux Porcelain

Jamie Bartlett Tutorial 7681 Views

I love Porcelain. It’s clean, simple, and chic. For wedding presents we got a lot of porcelain kitchen items: a butter dish, gravy boat, and my forever favorite elephant tea pot (from my sister). Last weekend we were shopping at Ross (which we do quite often since it is in walking distance from our apartment) and I came across a porcelain rhinoceros. It was love at first sight.

We named him Roger the Rino and he now lives on our coffee table. As I sat there admiring my new purchase I realized he looked kind of lonely. I needed more porcelain items. Instead of going out and hunting for more, I decided to make my own faux porcelain.  I searched around the apartment for things that looked like they could use a little porcelain love. I ended up with three mismatched vases, a candle stick and an artificial pear.

Then we made a trip to the hardware store and picked up some white glossy spray paint. We set up shop outside and got right to work.

In between coats Jake and I played Ladder Ball to help pass the time. We are very happy with the way they turned out, plus it was a good way to spend a sunday afternoon.

If you want to make your own here is what you will need:

  • Items to spray paint: a vase, old toy, or anything you have laying around.
  • White glossy spray paint (we used Rust-Oleum painter’s choice 2x the cover)
  • Cardboard or an old sheet to spray on.

Once you are all set up, spray your items one at a time using light coats. If you spray too much the paint will drip and leave a run in your paint. Once the items are dry enough to touch (ours took about 20 minutes) flip the item over and spray the bottom. Let dry over night before setting on anything. And voilà, you now have a beautiful faux porcelain decorative piece. Take that Jonathan Adler.

Jamie BartlettDIY Faux Porcelain